interview with a client:
Stefan Wessels
Product manager
at Zound Industries, Stockholm, Sweden
Recorded by Photos in this publication are property of Zound Industries and are used for illustration purposes.
"It was important that, whenever issues and bugs would be found, they would be quick to resolve them, and they performed well. Overall, we found the quality of work from the better bunch to be high."

quality of service and deliverables

meeting deadlines and compliance with a project timeline

value and conformance with project estimates

willingness to refer to colleagues and friends
What business challenge were you trying to address?
We are a technology company based in Stockholm. In development, hardware is always placed before software. A lot of our software budget got eaten up by unforeseen hardware costs, so we needed a company that could do the work in stages and at a good rate.
Describe the scope of their involvement in greater detail
They helped us create some of the software services and content for a mobile device we built.

The User Interface/User Experience [UI/UX] portions are designed by my company. The better bunch implemented them exactly as our engineers intended. They worked on online services, mobile content, and application development. This included a set of wallpapers designed by our company, which they brought to life, as well as desktop widgets, the backend infrastructure for the sign-on process, and some of the community features. They initially had four tasks, and we assigned more.
How did you come to work with the better bunch?
A friend who was running a startup in the United States told me about them. We needed to work with a company in Europe, and the better bunch came highly recommended, so we gave them a try.

I'm originally from South Africa, and thus perceive people from underdog countries as being hard workers. I felt that there was a lot of untapped talent in Russia, so if we could find developers with good English skills, we would outsource to them without any issues.
Could you provide the size and duration of this initiative?
The development cost for our first project was $55,000. A Finnish company would charge this just for the proposal process. We started working with them in August of 2014. The relationship is ongoing.

Could you share any statistics or metrics from this engagement?
It was important that, whenever issues and bugs would be found, they would be quick to resolve them, and they performed well. Overall, we found the quality of work from the better bunch to be high by international standards.

What distinguishes the better bunch from other providers?
They were very fast and efficient. They handled the work without us having to micromanage them. Their project management is very good and they're very proactive. A minimum amount of information will take them a long way.